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14 March 2015

Sophronia Frances Fuller's Birth Year

James & Sophronia Lewis
James Lafayette Lewis & Sophronia Frances Fuller
I first saw Sophronia’s name in one of my family’s genealogy books, John Lewis: A History and Genealogy. She was my great-great grandmother on my paternal grandmother’s side.

Lewis family bible page In the book it states this discrepancy of date, saying that all of the census records and her tombstone state that she was born in 1852 while the Lewis family bible says that she was born in 1851. In the Lewis book it reads "According to the family Bible, Sophronia was born 25 August 1851 of Asa A. and Susan Fuller at Ft. Gaines, Georgia. However, the gravestone and all Census records indicate Sophronia was born in 1852." (Lewis 41).

The Lewis family bible was done after the fact because all of the handwriting was by the same person, so there is a lot of doubt about the year 1851 because there is a lot more substantial evidence stating that she was born in 1852 (such as her tombstone for instance, you would think that the family members would get the year right on the tombstone but then again many mistakes are made, even now). She is the second entry to the left on the bible page.

I always believed that she was born in 1852 since most of the sources stated this but then I found the discrepancy that she was born only four months away from her brother, Zachariah, which is not possible. I came to the conclusion since Sophronia's date already has a variation and there is a gap in the year of 1851 of the years of her siblings, that her birth year is 1851.

The birth dates of her and her siblings (according to their tombstones):
Asa Jefferson Fuller, Jr.: 27 August 1847
Uriah Samuel Fuller: 11 November 1849
Henrietta Fuller: 11 January 1850
Saphronia Frances Fuller: 25 August 1852
Zachariah R Fuller: 3 December 1852
Lucy Elizabeth Fuller: 4 December 1854
James Jasper Fuller: 2 October 1856
John Newton Fuller: 2 October 1856 (has his death certificate instead)
Peter Francis Fuller: 23 June 1858

As you can see Sophronia and Zachariah are only 4 months apart, and there is a gap between Henrietta's birth of 1850 for Sophronia to have been born in 1851. There is also the possibility that Zachariah to have been born in 1853, but I don't have any evidence to prove that while I have evidence to suggest that Sophronia was born in 1851. Another crazy scenario would be that they had different mothers, but then again I would need some proof.

Also, a lot of my grandmother's research says that she was born in 1851, all of the dates that she put for Sophronia say 1851, such as her DAR application, so it gives me a reason to think that this was correct.

Since her name is very original, there are different spellings in different sources, her tombstone says Fronie, the census records give different variations, but I go with the one from my grandmother's research because Sophronia was her grandmother.

I plan on scanning and uploading a lot of my grandmother's documents and notes, she never threw anything away and wrote everything down. She has a couple different memoirs that she wrote (which there were many mess ups and planning, but she kept all those papers too).


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